Can you hear the
people sing, singing the songs of angry men, that is the music of a people who
will not be slaves again! - From Can You Hear the People Sing in Les Miserables
Here they talked of revolution
Here it was they lit
the flame
Here they sang about
And tomorrow never
Oh my friends, my
friends, don’t ask me
What your sacrifice
was for
Empty chairs and empty
Where my friends will
sing no more
-From Empty Chairs and Empty Tables in Les Miserables
Les Miserables is
a fantastic tale of love and loss, justice and mercy, revolution and power. It
has enchanted and inspired millions. The interplay of personal stories interwoven
into the grand story of the failed French Revolution of 1832 is fantastic.
There are so many applicable topics The
Anarchist Review could cover in this story: religious freedom versus
political freedom or Justice versus mercy, but I have chosen the topic of revolution.
Multiple questions are brought up by this tale: What is Revolution? Who starts revolutions? What
is Revolution good for?
A little background on Victor Hugo, the author, and why he
wrote about this. Hugo personally witnessed some of the proceedings of the 1832
revolution or June Uprising as it is referred
to. As in the play/book/movie, the uprising lasted only two days: from June 5
to June 6. It was in fact a pretty minor blurb, especially considering the
large number of uprisings and revolutions that France has been through. If it
were not for Victor Hugo this uprising of 3,000 people, would have faded into the
annals of history known by only to a few erudite historians.
Thanks to Hugo, however it is one of the most well-known
events in history. Hugo himself was a Republican, and strongly sided with the
republican revolutionaries.
Now to the tale of revolution. During the song Red and Black, Enjolras, the
revolutionary leader, asks if revolution is “simply a game for rich young boys
to play?” He says (or rather sings) this at the ABC pub where wealthy
middle-class men come to discuss politics. Most are young,
some are sons of aristocrats. These young men feel they are liberating the
poor from oppression and “They will come one and all. They will come one and
all” to support them in their just cause. However, their prediction is fatally
Revolution is often assumed to start with poor disgruntled
workers who rise up to shake off the shackles of their oppressive governments.
Yet Les Miserables is saying the
opposite, that it is a bunch of wealthy middle class men who get angry and try to
stir up the masses.
So what is the revolutionary story? As one who has
considered tattooing, “Liberty or Death” across his back, it would be nice to
sympathize with revolutionaries. Perhaps, however, the story of Les Miserables has lessons, particularly
for young fire-brands like me.
So without further ado, The
Anarchist Review takes a quick plunge into the history of revolutions to uncover
the truth.
Revolutions generally go through three stages, the fall of the
old regime and rise of a moderate regime based on the old paradigm just
adjusted, rise of a radical (and often tyrannical) government, and a return to
moderate in the so-called Thermidorian reaction. Crane Brinton notably analyzed
this in his book The Anatomy of
Revolution. Though it is not a perfect fit for all revolutions, many of the
large revolutions in history have followed this pattern, most notably the
English, the French, and the Russian.
Brinton points out that it is not the super poor who start
revolutions. Genuine lower-class revolutions are almost non-existent with the
notable exception of Haiti’s slave revolution. The revolutionaries are
generally idealistic middle-class white guys, “born of hope,” as Brinton puts

In the first stage, the moderate stage, the relatively
unorganized middle-class men who have gained support of the lower-classes often
because of extreme conditions are able to take down the first regime. This is
the exciting stage where the lower-classes are involved. They are not the
instigators, but they jump on the cause, mostly because they assume things cannot
get worse than the status quo. This
group often is unorganized and lacking a strong leader, they often do not want
to completely oust the former government as much as they simply want to change
it. In France this meant forming a constitutional monarchy. They wanted to keep
the king, just add restraints and grant more power to the middle-class. After
all it is a middle-class revolution, the poor are involved in creating chaos,
but when the tables come out and negotiation begins, they are not present.
The next stage is where an organized radical group with a strong
leader sweeps in and takes control. In England it was Oliver Cromwell, in
France, Robespierre, in Russia, Lenin. Are
these men from humble backgrounds who strive to help their fellow poor brothers?
Let us have a look:
Oliver Cromwell: He was born into the middle-gentry, i.e.
upper-middle class. He was a land-owner and politician for most of his life.
Not exactly what we would consider a “worker.”
Robespierre: A politician and lawyer descended from lawyers.
Robespierre, despite being from a somewhat troubled home (born out of wed-lock),
he was just about as middle-class and white-collar as they come.
Some revolutionary spirit during Robespierre's Reign of Terror |
Lenin: He was born to nobility. Yes, you read that right,
Lenin, the Marxist radical of Russia was born into a noble family. It is not
true that his parents were not born noble, however they were born rich. Before
Lenin was born they were basically awarded a title and became “hereditary nobility.”
Lenin, like so many Marxists, knew more about the plight of finding a good chef
then they did about the plight of workers.
This is not meant to be an exposé or surprising revelation.
These men are not really considered great men of history. All three were at the
helms of extremely violent and bloody regimes. But they fit the bill of the
radical revolutionaries of the world. Men with great idealistic visions which
when attempted to put into practice end up killing loads of people. For
example, Robespierre’s short rule in France led to over 40,000 deaths.
After the radical stage there is a return to a moderate
stage, and often, in the long run a return to the former government. In France
and England a King was returned to the throne (albeit with constitutional restraints),
and Russia, well Russia still has the
sort of strong dictatorial leaders it has head since the time of the Russian empire.
Revolutions results? Day to day life of workers ends up
being basically the same. Religions and habits remain unchanged. As Brinton
says, “[The revolutions’] results look rather petty as measured by the brotherhood of man and the achievement of justice on this earth. The blood of the martyrs seems hardly necessary to establish decimal coinage." Basically in the end the revolutions are, like most wars, fights between rich
people about who can exploit who, with the lives of poor people often being
tossed around as collateral. A few of the rich kids playing the revolutionary
game die as symbols, but most of the blood shed is the blood of workers whom
the revolution is supposed to benefit. The Reign of Terror in France which was meant
to uproot all royalist support, killed far more people from the lower classes
then it did nobility or royals.
From looking back at history it seems Victor Hugo had
revolutions about right. One of two things happens. The middle-class revolution
gets support from the lower-classes and causes chaos and uprising. The
government changes three or four times and ends up basically how it started. The
other possible scenario is the one told by Hugo. The lower-classes do not come
to support the cause because of misjudgment of how bad their plight actually or
unwillingness to die for the cause. In either case if you start the revolution
you probably end up dead with your friends wondering what your sacrifice was
Here at The Anarchist
Review we have plenty of revolutionary blood. Those that know me know I am anti-establishment
and idealist. Lots of people probably assume I would be the first one running
down the street waving a Gadsden flag to start the next American revolution.
However, I have to side with history. Revolution in the end
is a game for rich white boys to play which almost always ends in meaningless
violence. It is a bunch of rich kids who look at the lower-classes and say, “I know
what they need.” When in reality they care more about aggrandizing themselves,
then helping the poor. They have grandiose ideas not rooted in reality. They
claim to fight for liberty when in the reality they are seeking power. Outside of the American Revolution, it is
difficult/impossible to find a revolution which could be remotely described as “successful.”
Despite all my fiery gusto for change and revolution, I am
afraid it is the slow gradual changes that win out. Why? Because people are
gradual changers, society changes gradually. And while government is not
society (a common error); government, at least partially, reflects society.
Ultimately government only changes because it has to. Society changes
government, it is impossible to do it the other way around. People, not power,
rule the world. So despite my radical leanings and position, I feel I must give
deference to that great conservative thinker Edmund Burke who predicted the
French Revolution spiraling out of control.
“It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest
complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.” – Edmund Burke
My suggestion for young men like me who so greatly yearn for
change in the world is not to turn to guns, violence, and revolution, but
rather to reason and technology, thinking and persuasion, that is how we will
win the war.
Do not go start political revolution. Stay home, get
married, have children, raise them peacefully, write a book, and live another
If we go the path of
revolution we will end up like those of Les Miserables, with “empty chairs and
empty tables, where [our] friends will sit no more.”