There are really three aspects to the movie Gladiator, the religious, the political
and the familial. The political aspect is interesting, but the familial aspect is really the driver behind the whole story.
There are two families, that of Marcus Aurelius, and that of Maximus the general. (note: the movie has some historical flaws but for the
sake of this review it will be taken has history.)
It starts with Emperor Aurelius overlooking the war, as he
has spent 16 of his 20 years as emperor. The movie suggests he was war-like in
his early years as emperor but then had an awaking. Of course the fact that he
dies at war somewhat flies in the face of this. Furthermore it seems Rome is
going to hell in a hand-basket during his tenure. However he did end the
gladiator fights (not historically accurate) and wrote some good words down on
paper. By empirical reality probably not the best of men, but emotionally we
are supposed to identify and respect him in the movie, or at the very least not
hate him.
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Marcus Aurelius Overlooks the battlefield- a position he was used to. |
Interestingly the man we are supposed to hate is Marcus Aurelius’
son, Commodus. This is a difficult task for the movie accomplish. The movie has
to somehow make us love the father while hating the son, but deep down we know
this cannot be. When Commodus is talking about his “bad” qualities, we know
that he did not get them from watching Roman TV shows, he got them from his father. The movie even points Aurelius’
bad parenting out. He says to his daughter, “Let us pretend that you are a
loving daughter and I am a good father.” To which his daughter responds, “This
is a pleasant fiction, is it not?” More blatantly Aurelius says to Commodus, “Your
faults as a son is my failings as a father.” Aurelius was of course away at war
for 16 years. How could he be a good
father? Or even a father for that matter. He was a sightseer and war monger who
occasionally took a break to say hello to some children back at home. The movie
attempts to make it appear as if Commodus is a bad egg that randomly hatched
out of nowhere but deep down we know this is not true. We know instinctively
that Commodus is who he is largely because of his father. It is apparent that Aurelius
was gone during much of his children’s lives. He was likely gone during many of
the most crucial years.
This is the story of the movie: that national disasters and
wars do not begin on the battlefield,
in negotiation rooms, nor in state buildings. Wars begin in living rooms,
kitchens, and classrooms. Particularly detrimental are the disastrous homes of
the political elite. The horrors that happen in those living rooms are acted
out in grand scale with bombs and soldiers. Furthermore the movie shows that not
only do wars not begin in the battlefield, they do not end there either. All wars begin and end in the home. The
war pulls fathers away and families apart and sews the seeds of further
conflict, destruction, and sadness. This cycle is the story of the movie.
After the opening battle sequence that is there largely to
draw us in, we are shot into the actual meat of the story, the familial
dysfunction. The battle with all of its evils and flaming arrows and dying
people are simply the bloody manifestations of the familial dysfunction juxtaposed
in the movie just after the battle sequence. To make it more complete the movie
should have opened with the familial politics and then gone to the battle
scene, but cinematic demands make you come in with a more visual stunning bang
(mad props to the special effects crew and all that, the battle scene does have
some pretty breath-taking images.).
Of course the war itself makes no rational sense (as
always). But wars are not rational, they never are they never were, they are emotional
manifestations of familial dysfunction and are not based at all on their supposed
political goals. The movie claims that after the Romans fight this final battle
against the Germans the whole empire will be safe and at peace. So this was not
the first, or last, “War to end all wars.” Every
war is the war to end all wars. That is how politicians get people to fight “Just
fight this war, and then there will be peace and all your children and
grandchildren will be able to live in peace! Do it for your children and future
generations! Fight for peace!” And so, people sign up. This is what they said
during World War I. The war to end all wars. Fight for peace, so your children
can live in peace. Was there peace for their children? No of course not. The
children had to fight in the bloodiest conflict in human history, WWII. Politicians
have been saying this is “the last war” since before ancient Rome, you think this time it will finally be true?
Marcus Aurelius is of course aware of this; shortly after the battle he says “There
will always be people to fight.”
Clearly, they did not need to fight this random Germanic
tribe. “People need to know when they are conquered,” says one general. It is
about being in charge, not actual threats or safety. What were a bunch of hairy
men in the mountains really going to do to the Roman Empire? Indeed it makes
about as much sense as our wars and military bases throughout the world that do
not make us safer, but do give us a superiority complex. Did Rome really need
the northern half of Germania to survive? Surely the Roman army could not think
they were “helping them out?” Like we so daringly say about our wars in the Middle
East, “We are there to help them out.” Say that to the Iraqi who is dead and to
all of his family. How much did we “help them out?” Similarly the Germanic
tribes who were slaughtered probably did not feel so “helped” by the Roman
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The opening battle is great cinematography |
The worst part about war is that it always lays the seeds
for future wars and familial dysfunction.
It is not far into the movie when Commodus kills his father.
He does this just after his father tells him that he does not trust him enough to
be the next emperor. Commodus murders his father to become emperor. Is this not
what his father taught him? Aurelius has “murdered” to maintain the empire, in
fact he has sent thousands of young men to their deaths, as well as ordered the
deaths of “barbarians.” So though we are supposed to hate Commodus for killing
his father, and love Aurelius for his valor in battle, they are the same thing.
Commodus is doing exactly what his father has taught him to do his whole life,
or at least 16 years of it, to go out and kill anyone who threatens your hold on the empire.
What is more, the physical killing of Aurelius is his son’s retribution
for his father’s killing of him. You cannot kill unless you have first been
killed inside. Aurelius, through lack of love toward his child, through
abandonment as he was off to war, killed his son inside, leading to his own
eventual murder.
Most people see the villain and his lust for power as the
drive behind the movie, but this is not the case, that is the mere outward manifestation
of the abandonment because of the wars and ambitions of his father. This is the
tragedy behind the horrors of the movie.
The war, as all wars, is fundamentally a war against
families, not against Germanians. The Romans were told they were going to kill
Germanians, but they were killing Roman families. Similarly when we go to Iraq
or Afghanistan, or wherever else, the war is not against whoever the supposed
bad guys are, the war is against American families and children who lose fathers
for years or forever and who come back with PTSD and an inability to function
in society. The war is caused by dysfunctional families and it then spreads
that disease of dysfunction and violence to others. Maximus loved his family
and his children. Apparently (as far as the movie showed) he had a good home.
Then he had to leave for war, as he says he hasn’t seen his family for “2
years, 264 days and this morning.” His boy was only a few years old. During
those crucial years he was left without a father. His family is fundamentally
wounded. To make this clear the movie shows the Roman troops crucifying and
burning Maximus’ wife and children. This is simply physically doing to his
family what the Roman army had already done emotionally.
No family involved in war can be spared this fate. They lose their father, or get a father severely
wounded coming home. Many soldiers and families are able to survive and live
well, but others’ lives are almost as that of Maximus, half-awake nightmares. This is shown by the fact that soldiers are more likely to commit suicide and about 20% of those involved in Iraq and Afghanistan have PTSD and/or depression.
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Maximus' family who he never sees again in the flesh. Family is the true cost of war. |
After the death of Maximus’s family the story line splits.
Maximus through some truly strange circumstances is picked up by slavers and
becomes a gladiator, while Commodus is in the capitol scheming to eliminate the
Here there are some interesting political discussions. Commodus
talks to his sister about the need to get rid of the senate. Commodus is
completely unable to negotiate or connect with people. This is seen in the
scene at the senate where he simply plays with his sword and ignores the
senators, then gets mad at them for nonsensical reasons and walks off in anger.
This of course is a manifestation of his inability to connect with his father,
but he extends that to everyone. He can’t make real connections or do real
negotiations so for this reason he wants totalitarian power. If only there were
not people in the way he could do what is right. If he just didn’t have to
negotiate. This is also why he basically holds his sister captive. She becomes
his “connection” the person he can relate to, even though she is completely
scared of him.
She tells Commodus in her attempt to get him to step down
from his ambitions, “leave the people their illusions, their traditions.” Isn’t
that so fitting to what we see today? Princeton and Northwestern proved that the whole democracy thing is just that, a sham, an illusion, a tradition (at least in the United States). In reality “the people” have no
control over what takes place in Washington. We are just like the people in
Rome, kept with our “illusions.”
Commodus desperately wants the respect of the people,
because he thinks it will fill that gaping hole in his soul where his father
should be. He thinks being loved by the people will finally make him feel
secure, complete, and not scared of being alone. “What do the people care
about?” he yells. His sister suggests they care about the war, about the
victory. “They never saw the battles – what do the people care about Germania?”
Interesting because it is so true. What do they care about random fighting of
people in a distant land they will never see. Yet that is war. It becomes
important only because we are told it is. And so we grow to worship it as our
defender when it is really all the opposite. “They care about the greatness of
Rome.” Says his sister, which really just shows the lack of connection with
people. People care about their families, they care about their businesses,
they care about their hobbies, they care about their friends. It is these mere
abstractions that people put up as important when they are unable to connect to
those more important things.
The whole political section is extremely fascinating because
it is so relevant to our current political condition, as well as for the fact
of its slightly conservative bend which is almost non-existent in
Hollywood. All the politicians are represented,
rightfully so, as out of touch, entitled jerks. There is of course an exception:
The “good” politician. The existence of a “good” politician is more Hollywood
fiction than reality, but I suppose relative to other politicians, some do look
good. The good guy is Gracchus. He is wealthy (as all the senators were and
are), intellectual, and well-read. When he shows up to the gladiator games, one
of the other senators is surprised that he would show up to see the “mob.” “I
never pretended to be a man of the people,” says Gracchus, “I do strive to be a
man for the people.” In the Senate we see him discussing minutia such as how to
fix the water supply and ward off a growing plague. He isn’t talking about
grandiose ideas. He is an Edmund Burke politician, the intellectual father of
conservatism. He has a pragmatic, gradual change, virtue to him. He is not
pretentious, but straightforward and pragmatic. Ironically this is the opposite
of all Hollywood stands for, which is why it is not often glorified.
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Gracchus, the "good" politician (as if that existed). |
In what Gracchus calls a “brilliant” move, Commodus brings
back the gladiator games (his father had ended them for moral reasons). Gracchus
doesn’t think the action is good or right, just politically brilliant. He knows
how people think. The people are losing what little political control they
have, so Commodus says, “here is some entertainment,” and everyone cheers. Is
this any different than today? We all know we essentially have no political
voice, and we all know the government is going to hell in hand basket, and the
debt is a mess, and people are dying because of our facetious wars. And what do
we do? We wonder what the last thing Miley Cyrus did at her concert. We get
together and drink beer and watch some guys run into each other gladiator-like
in stadiums modeled after the very coliseum where the gladiator games were
held. Have we really advanced that much? We still fall for this stupid gag.
Throw some games and put out some celebrity, and BAM they don’t even care or
notice that we are financially raping them and they can do nothing about it.
It is also interesting that at the beginning of one of the
games people go around the stadium throwing out bread; loafs of bread for all
to share, a gift from the emperor. Well how about that for original? Using food
and money as a way to buy popularity. This is of course exactly what politicians
continue to do. Promise benefits and a constant stream of free food and goodies
so that people will show up and vote for them. Humans have changed little since
the days of Rome.
Throughout the movie we see poor Commodus in a desperate
attempt to gather the love of the crowd. He thinks he must be everything and
everyone must care about him. This narcissistic megalomania is what makes politicians.
It is not about helping people or changing the world. They are up there
searching for the praise and love to fill the void they cannot fill in their
lives. Every vote they receive is one more badge on their ego to cover their
empty souls. Look at politicians: a group of people who cheat on their wives
and steel from the public purse to enforce their vision on the world. They are
up their building their Utopia for us as if we did not know how to live our own
lives and we need their superior knowledge on every subject imaginable to guide
us. Nothing short of complete narcissistic megalomania leads you to that. Notice
that there are two “i’s” in narcissist, and three “i’s” in politician.
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In a vain attempt to gain approval of the crowd, Commodus brings back the gladiator games. |
In fact, the reason we like completely evil politicians and villains
in our movies is because they make our sick system, our corrupted and evil
leaders, seem less evil by comparison. This is why we like the Hunger Games and
movies with emperors that kill their father. We can suddenly feel comforted
that though our “leaders” lie to us, steal from us, start frivolous wars, sell
off our children’s futures to foreign bankers, arrest people for carrying the
wrong forms of vegetation in their pockets, and just about every other evil
imaginable, at least they are not killing their own fathers. At least we are
not that bad.
After being a movie that has so ingeniously and beautifully
opened up our minds to truth, the movie ends with what I call the great myth. The
movie shows evil after evil of political power, shows the horrific effects of
violence and war, and then at the end, says that the good guy wins and he wins
by using violence. This is the great myth that so many movies disseminate in
the minds of people. Our minds for some reason identify it. We want the good
guy to rise up and kill the bad guy and make everything right. We want the
white knight to save the day. This is of course why society, keeps trying to
use this same solution over and over again. We cannot see that this “solution”
is the very cause of the problems in the first place.
Violence cannot solve
the problems violence creates. I don’t know when Hollywood and society will
catch on to this one, but that is the great myth. I will rewrite this statement
in a few other ways that will maybe relate to leftists and rightists. All these
statements are forms of the same thing: War
cannot solve the problems war creates. Government cannot solve the problems
government creates, Abuse cannot solve the problems abuse creates, rape cannot
solve the problems rape creates. Take any one of those statements that
resonates with you and simply universalize it. War is violence, and violence
can’t solve violence because war cannot solve war. Government is violence, rape
is violence, abuse is violence. All these things are different form of the same
thing: violent and coercive force over people. For some reason we keep thinking
some Maximus will come in and kill the emperor and make everything right. We
think some Hero will ride to victory and kill all these violent oppressors.
Guess what? It is never going to happen. You cannot play with evil at its own
game and win. You can’t expect to walk onto a basketball court with Michael
Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Lebron James, and Karl Malone and expect to come out as
the winner. If you attempt to take down tyrants with violence, one of two
things will happen: you will lose and get brutally killed either physically or
emotionally, or you will become an even more horrible tyrant than the one you
are trying to take down. This is a game you cannot win. The only way to win is
to not play.
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The Hollywood myth: being able to end violence with more violence. |
Stop waiting for Maximus. Be a hero today. Not with guns
or violence. Guns and violence just create more guns and violence. The only
solution is to first eliminate the desire for violence in us and spread love to
others. We first must fix our homes before we can fix the world. Until we love
our children and our wives and our husbands, we cannot spread love to others. We
cannot expect to end war and end violence against other races and cultures when
we cannot even love our very own children and neighbors. We cannot expect to
expand tolerance of other world views when we do not even allow our children to
view the world differently than we do. Until each child wakes up every day
confident the he is loved regardless of his ideas. Until each child wakes up
confident there are people around him protecting him, until that day comes, we
have not seen the end of war. For war begins, and ends, in the home.
Not on historicity: Aurelius really did have a son named Commodus who succeeded him as emperor. Also it is generally considered that Aurelius was a "good" emperor and his son was a complete narcissistic failure. However, there is no evidence to suggest that Aurelius appointed someone else besides his son to be emperor, though it has been speculated. Aurelius died of the plague, and was not assassinated, and his son had already been serving as emperor for multiple years. Furthermore Commodus ruled for 12 years, not just a short while as depicted. Furthermore Rome never returned to a Republic, as the movie suggests would happen. On an interesting note, Commodus was killed by a fighter, a wrestler not a gladiator, whose name was Narcissus.